The Saanich Peninsula Lions Food Bank "helps those in need through those who care." We do that in a variety of ways but primarily by providing food hampers designated to supplement a client's food needs. 

The Saanich Peninsula Lions Food Bank is an emergency food service and we are here to help you and your family in a time of need.

To register please provide the following information.

1. Picture ID
Picture ID must be provided for every adult in your household.

2. Proof of Address
You must prove that you live on the Saanich Peninsula by a telephone bill, hydro bill, cable bill, or other official mail addressed to you at your current address. We serve from the area on the Saanich Peninsula from Sayward Rd. north.

3. Proof of Family and Dependents
You must provide Care Cards or other official identification for each person in your household. You will be asked to update your information every 6 months. 

4. Identification Must Be Shown
Identification must be shown at every visit to the Food Bank to receive your hamper. 

All registrations must be done in person on a Monday, Wednesday or Friday. We do not register new clients over the phone or through e-mail.

Food Hamper Distribution

Registered Clients may visit the Saanich Peninsula Lions Food Bank for a hamper a maximum of once a month. Our hampers are based on the size of the family/household. Only one registration and one hamper per family/household are provided.

We try to provide enough food for 7 to 10 days, but sometimes varies on supply and demand.

Food Hamper Distribution is every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9AM - 12PM.

The food bank is closed for all Statutory holidays.

Extra Fresh Produce Distribution

Extra fresh produce is available to ALL registered Saanich Peninsula Food Bank clients.

Extra Fresh Produce Distribution is every Tuesday and Thursday from 9AM - 12PM.